What is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a silicate mineral consisting of microscopic fibres that occurs naturally in deposits throughout the world. In the first half of the 20th century, asbestos was a popular additive to various building products such as insulation and wallboards as it’s affordable and abundant and exhibits high resistance to fire, heat, chemicals, and water.

How Can Asbestos Be Harmful?

However, around the mid-20th century, scientists were beginning to discover that exposure to asbestos fibres could cause various health conditions including cancer and asbestosis, a chronic lung disease. Asbestos fibres don’t break down in the human body so inhaling the fibres causes irreparable damage to lung tissue.

What Building Materials Contain Asbestos

Examples of building products that may contain asbestos include roof tiles, loose installation, floor tiles, and asbestos cement.

If your home dates back to the period from the 1950s to the 1970s, its building components likely contain asbestos. Newer homes might also have structures containing asbestos.


What is an Asbestos Testing Kit?

An asbestos testing kit contains basic collection equipment to collect an asbestos sample. This sample are must be sent to a lab for analysis.

At Asbestos Watch Brisbane, we think it’s far more effective for us to come to you with our mobile testing and inspection service, safely extract the sample and get a result to you fast. 

Remember, using an asbestos testing or sampling kit but it doesn’t allow you to analyse the results yourself.

A sampling kit includes:

  • A pair of disposable gloves
  • A mask
  • Disposable coveralls
  • Lock bags for samples
  • A plastic sheet
  • Chemical-free wet wipes
  • Waste bags

If you sample pipe insulation, sprayed coating, or loose asbestos insulation, don’t use a sampling kit as your risk of exposure will be too high. Instead, contact our asbestos testing team at Asbestos Watch Brisbane to schedule an onsite asbestos inspection and analysis.

Where to Look for Asbestos in Your Home

Structures and building products that are more likely to contain asbestos include

  • Textured and sprayed coatings
  • Fascia and soffits
  • Insulating boards and loose insulation
  • Popcorn ceilings
  • Wallboards and wallboard joint compounds
  • Sink pads
  • Fire doors and blankets
  • Floor, ceiling, and roof tiles
  • Pipe lagging and downpipes

Asbestos is present in all building types, including houses, hospitals, schools, and industrial buildings. If your building is relatively old and still has its original structural components, asbestos testing is critical to reducing occupants’ risk of health complications.

Collecting ACMs sample by asbestos technician

Don’t Do It Yourself – Call Us For Fast, Safe Asbestos Testing & Results

If we detect asbestos in your sample, we’ll provide you with a no-obligation asbestos removal plan for your home or business. Contact us today to learn more by using our website contact form or calling 07 3180 1405.